Excellence Award by the German Horticultural Society.

by Irmtraud Rieck and Friedrich Hertle

This book introduces the history and culture of the tree peony. The authors not only present Chinese peonies which are suitable for the garden but also introduce Japanese, European and American cultivars. The authors are connoisseurs and have many years of practical experience in handling tree peonies. This book covers practically all aspects of the culture and propagation of tree peonies.

The authors:
Irmtraud Rieck has dedicated the past 30 years to the study and collection of  peony species.  Her knowledge of tree peonies has been expanded by field work in their native habitat and propagation in ther garden.  Through her practical experiences, she has written articles which have been published in German and foreign garden magazines and has given presentations in a number of seminars.

Friedrich Hertle has been intensively involved in the culture of woody peonies for a long time; in particular he has been researching the breeding of new cultivars in America. For decades he has opened his garden to visitors at tree peony bloom time. Thus, he is ranked as a pioneer tree peony grower among the German speaking countries. Mr. Hertle has become a foremost leader and adviser on the subject of tree peonies.

Irmtraud Rieck, Friedrich Hertle. 2002. 168 pages, 150 color photos, 12 charts and drawings, Hardcover, ISBN 3-8001-3657-0. 
€ 49,90.

The book is entirely written in German

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